Tag Archives: climate change

Storytelling Award

A hundred years from now human life on earth is sustainable and in balance with the biosphere. How was this achieved by mankind? Imagine that something revolutionary happens in our time that will eventually save our planet. What was this great change?
We want you to imagine you live in the future and tell people the story on how the battle against climate change was finally won.

Tell us your story in a film! – Find out more.


GREEEN Network members will start organising a number of events on climate change related topics. We are interested in initiating a European exchange among GREEEN network members and external stakeholders, and to engage in dialogue with experts and interested stakeholders from the field. The events address both GREEEN partners and other stakeholders interested in Climate Change Education (CCE).

You can find our upcoming events here on the website or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GREEEN.Europe

GREEEN Network

GREEEN – Green Environment Education European Network

European Network for Climate Change Education in Schools

GREEEN builds on the methodology successfully experienced in the previous EU-funded projects JEM! that implemented a comprehensive environmental management system according to EMAS and CLIMES that implemented a climate-friendly management system in European schools based on a blended learning concept.

GREEEN seeks to promote the effective integration of climate change education into educational programmes and school curricula (climate literacy), on the one hand, and to promote creativity in science education, making science education more tangible, innovative and attractive to the youngest generation through a centrally important issue.

GREEEN is consisting of a multi-stakeholder partnership of organisations from ten countries (DE, AT, IT, HU, SE, LV, LT, TR, ES and GR), namely schools, universities, education institutes, NGO’s and a county government.

GREEEN – Our Aims

Apart from setting-up a sustainable European network, GREEEN aims to:

  • Integrate climate change related topics sustainably into (science) education in schools;
  • Promote teacher training on climate change education (e.g. understanding of basic concepts, trends and issues; identifying educational implications of teaching about climate change etc.);
  • Foster the European exchange and transfer of experiences and good practices on climate change education among education institutes, teacher trainers, teachers, practitioners, NGOs and young people;
  • Identify learning materials, good practices and teaching and learning strategies on climate change education and enhance their dissemination through the GREEEN platform and other means;
  • Increase the production of and access to information and innovative solutions for science education on climate change and sustainable development;
  • Promote closer linkages between science education and science working market emergent trends and opportunities.