Nachhaltigkeit erfordert von jedem einzelnen Menschen die richtigen Entscheidungen für die Zukunft zu treffen. Folgende Fußabdrucksrechner sollen dabei in unterschiedlichen Bereichen Unterstützung bieten.
Das Thema Ökologischer Fußabdruck in Schulen
Das Projekt “Footprint-Schulen Steiermark” wurde im Auftrag der Fachabteilung 19D (Abfall- und Stoffflusswirtschaft) des Amtes der Stmk. Landesregierung entwickelt und hat zum Ziel, den ökologischen Fußabdruck sowie Handlungsmöglichkeiten nachhaltiger Lebensweise in der Bevölkerung bekannt zu machen.
This document prepared by Kayhan, M. a staff member at Ministry of Environment and Forest and General Directorate of Meteorology. It is about global climate change and its effects in Turkey. There are some data such as showing the changes in the amount of CO2, greenhouse effect, etc.
Available in all European languages!!!
The project CO2nnect:
«The international campaign CO2nnect: CO2 on the way to school
provides schools with a unique opportunity to provide high quality
Education for Sustainable Development.»
Bård Vegar Solhjell, The Norwegian Minister of Education
Pupils need wide competencies to meet the challenges of sustainable development – including climate change. The CO2nnect activities are designed to support learning that can provide pupils with abilities, skills, attitudes and awareness as well as knowledge and understanding of the issues.
The activities can easily be adapted to a range of age groups and linked to the curricula of many subjects
Ziel des Projekts ist es, Lehrkörpern sowie Schülerinnen und Schülern höherer Schulen einen effizienteren Umgang mit Energie im Alltag zu vermitteln.
IUSES zeigt Schülerinnen und Schülern, sowie Lehrerinnen und Lehrern die wichtigsten Prinzipien zur effizienten Verwendung von Energie und bietet einen umfangreichen Leitfaden, um im Alltag Energie zu sparen
Intriguingly high concept yet visually and structurally artless in the way of so many modern documentaries, Laura Gabbert and Justin Schein’s “No Impact Man” chronicles Colin Beavan’s yearlong experiment to reduce his carbon footprint as much as possible while living in New York City.
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Every action, every event, every person, everything emits a certain amount of carbon. This interactive visualization examines some of those scenarios. Play around to learn some interesting and surprising information about how much carbon is released during various activities.
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Available in all EU languages!
Today’s teenagers are likely to experience the effects of climate change much more than we do today-and they will be forced to address the issue. It’s important that we familiarise them with what we know today so they become aware of the causes of climate change and understand what they can do to change it.
European Commissioner for Environment Stavros Dimas is calling upon teachers like you across the European Union to discuss climate change in class and encourage your pupils to sign the pledge to reduce their CO2 emissions.
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Environment Education European Network