Intriguingly high concept yet visually and structurally artless in the way of so many modern documentaries, Laura Gabbert and Justin Schein’s “No Impact Man” chronicles Colin Beavan’s yearlong experiment to reduce his carbon footprint as much as possible while living in New York City.
Also available in DE, BG, CZ, DE, FR, IT, LV, RO, SL
The project aims to promote a more efficient way of using energy in every day life among secondary schools students and teachers.
IUSES will show secondary school students the basic principles of energy efficiency and give a comprehensive guide to saving energy in their everyday lives.
IUSES is currently developing a behaviour-oriented educational kit including: handbooks, multimedia animations and experiment tool-kit. The educational kit will be freely available for downloading on this web site.
Teachers and students will be actively involved in all stages of the project. In particular, they will test the educational kit and will provide feedback and suggestions to improve the IUSES kit.
HUT I SKOLAN är en sida där du som jobbar med lärande för hållbar utveckling i grundskolan och gymnasiet ska kunna hitta inspiration, fördjupning och konkreta tips. Webbsidan är ett samarbete mellan Lärarutbildningen vid
This website offers information about a project supported by United Nations Development Program in Turkey which is “ Increasing the Capacity to Struggle with Climate Change in Turkey”. Also you can reach related projects included in the UNDP’s project such as “Every Drop Matters”, “Local Agenda 21”, etc.
Un periodico telematico di informazione e comunicazione su tematiche d’interesse ecologico, ha pubblicato una collana di guide per il viver sostenibile in varie citta’ italiane.
DVD, Distribuito da:Macrovideo Data pubblicazione:Ottobre 2009, un esempio concreto di come sia possibile ridurre il consumo e l’utilizzo energetico tornando a un ritmo di vita e di lavoro nel rispetto dei cicli naturali.
Nachhaltigkeit erfordert von jedem einzelnen Menschen die richtigen Entscheidungen für die Zukunft zu treffen. Folgende Fußabdrucksrechner sollen dabei in unterschiedlichen Bereichen Unterstützung bieten.