This website provides some actions taken for a climate-friendly environment . First and foremost it provides information about energy savings and energy providers in Austria. Here you can also find the energy community on face book.
The Climate Association is a network for the climate protection in European cities and communities. The initiative is an effort for the sustainable development in order to face the climate change.
CO² Calculator for 8-12 and 12-14 years old, including 20 teaching workshops
This website was generally set up in order to provide know-how to teachers, students and pupils about the environment. Carbon Detectives is an EU project that aims to integrate values and principles of the sustainable development in the curricular at schools. The main goal is to reduce the ecological footprint at schools.
Das Thema Ökologischer Fußabdruck in Schulen
Das Projekt “Footprint-Schulen Steiermark” wurde im Auftrag der Fachabteilung 19D (Abfall- und Stoffflusswirtschaft) des Amtes der Stmk. Landesregierung entwickelt und hat zum Ziel, den ökologischen Fußabdruck sowie Handlungsmöglichkeiten nachhaltiger Lebensweise in der Bevölkerung bekannt zu machen.
This project undertakes the activities around the ecological footprint and contributes to the European Waste Reduction Awards (EWWR) Programme that aims to raise awareness for the waste prevention and waste reduction.
ÖKOLOG belongs to the Ministry for Education and commit itself to the sustainable development and school development in Austrian schools. The main objective is to implement the sustainable development in the curricular. There are many school projects running concerning water, health, waste, energy savings etc.
This website provides some actions taken for a climate-friendly environment and it is an education portal for students and pupils at schools. It is also about the education and the competition in schools and in cooperation with different vocational schools.
Nachhaltigkeit erfordert von jedem einzelnen Menschen die richtigen Entscheidungen für die Zukunft zu treffen. Folgende Fußabdrucksrechner sollen dabei in unterschiedlichen Bereichen Unterstützung bieten.
Also available in DE, BG, CZ, DE, FR, IT, LV, RO, SL
The project aims to promote a more efficient way of using energy in every day life among secondary schools students and teachers.
IUSES will show secondary school students the basic principles of energy efficiency and give a comprehensive guide to saving energy in their everyday lives.
IUSES is currently developing a behaviour-oriented educational kit including: handbooks, multimedia animations and experiment tool-kit. The educational kit will be freely available for downloading on this web site.
Teachers and students will be actively involved in all stages of the project. In particular, they will test the educational kit and will provide feedback and suggestions to improve the IUSES kit.