This year the partner school (Casady High School at Atlanta) has prepared a blog ( that project members can submit photos, ppt presentations and discussions about climate change and latest news from METU Foundation School.
Category Archives: literature
ClimaSOS – Comenius Project on climate change
Abstract on the project ClimaSOS – eTwinning and Comenius project whose focus is the climate changes. This project is coordinate by Póvoa de Lanhoso Secondary School and includes schools from Cyprus (Eniaio Lykeio Kykkoy A’ from Nicosia), Hungary (Kölcsey Ferenc Gimnázium, Zalaegerszeg), Italy (Liceo scientifico Statale “Vincenzo Cuoco”, Naples), Spain (IES Cieza de León, Llerena), Sweden (Söderskolan, Sandviken) and, recently, from Romania (Liceul Teoretic Al. I. Cuza, Iasi).
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Green me – Sarò buon* con la terra
Cambiamenti climatici in Valle d’Aosta – opportunità e strategie di risposta
Pubblicazioni sul sito Regione Valle d’Aosta sul tema del cambiamento climatico.
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Sviluppo sostenibile e cambiamenti climatici
Progetto (riconosciuto da DESS sullo sviluppo sostenibile e cambiamenti climatici) rivolto alle scuole secondarie di primo e secondo grado, intende fornire agli studenti gli elementi generali per conoscere le diverse risorse energetiche (rinnovabili e non), la loro origine e le loro caratteristiche e introdurre il principio del risparmio energetico.
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Öko Pannon
Non-profit company specialized on reducing package wastes; besides, Okopannon provides useful education materials on this subject to schools.
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Movie “The 11th Hour”
The 11th Hour is a 2007 documentary film, created, produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, on the state of the natural environment.
With contributions from over 50 politicians, scientists, and environmental activists, including former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, physicist Stephen Hawking, Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai, and journalist Paul Hawken, the film documents the grave problems facing the planet’s life systems. Global warming, deforestation, mass species extinction, and depletion of the oceans’ habitats are all addressed. The film’s premise is that the future of humanity is in jeopardy.
The film proposes potential solutions to these problems by calling for restorative action by the reshaping and rethinking of global human activity through technology, social responsibility and conservation.
source: wikipedia
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In this website, you can find general information about a project developed by TED Eskisehir School. This project is named as “Drop Drop Future” and it emphasize the importance of water on human and living beings. It aims: to construct a sustainable environment awareness among students and to to teach how to use water resources economically.
European portal for science education
For teachers, science communicators and pupils
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WEEC – World Environmental Education Network
Also available in French and Italian!
The WEEC International Environmental Education Network: a worldwide network of debate and research, which organises every two years the World Environmental Education Congress.
The Network was established to give the Congresses continuity. This will consequently favour discussions about the key issues in environmental education; the exchange of thoughts, experiences and proposals from one Congress to the next; and the creation of a worldwide community of research and practice in environmental education and sustainability.
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