Category Archives: literature

TU Wien Energy Economics Group Institute of Power Systems and Energy Economics

This website provides some actions taken for a climate-friendly environment. Survival of modern societies depends on finding ways to act responsibly with regard to the natural resources on which life depends. The project SAUCE contributes to these aims by developing energy education in primary, secondary, and higher education.

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Facts, normativity or pluralism? Didactic typologies in secondary schools geography teaching on climate change

In education about climate issues teachers makes choices. What is of most importance? To know how the green house effect works in a natural scientific way or to know about the political process that can help us find a solution? Habits or selective traditions, answers the question why, what, and how does teachers do when teaching about climate issues. In this study selective traditions are investigated. The main aim of this licentiate thesis is to examine which content Swedish geography teachers choose to use when it comes to teach about climate change.

Grahn Andreas, 2011, “Facts, normativity or pluralism? Didactic typologies in secondary schools geography teaching on climate change”. University of Uppsala

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La nuova ecologia – Il network di Legamiente

La Nuova Ecologia: voce storica dell’ambientalismo italiano, è il mensile di Legambiente, arriva in abbonamento agli associati, ma viene distribuito anche attraverso le librerie e può contare su numerosi e fedeli abbonati. La rivista è ricca di notizie, informazioni, inchieste e approfondimenti su cambiamenti climatici, ogm, inquinamento, agricoltura, parchi, salute.

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SEGNALI AMBIENTALI 2010 – La biodiversità, i cambiamenti climatici e tu

Segnali ambientali ci accompagna in un viaggio che segue il corso dell’acqua dai ghiacciai delle Alpi al permafrost dell’Artico al delta del Gange. Visitiamo luoghi familiari e remoti, esaminando come si possano ricostruire le relazioni con gli elementi essenziali della vita quotidiana: l’acqua, il suolo, l’aria e gli animali e le piante che insieme formano la trama della vita sulla Terra.

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Climalteranti – Notizie e approfondimenti sul clima che cambia

Sul web è disponibile molto materiale per parlare di cambiamenti climatici nelle scuole.
In questo post viene presentato un primo elenco, senza alcuna pretesa di esaustività, invitando studenti e insegnanti a segnalare nei commenti altro materiale utile.

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Communicative audiences in the climate change issue

Naturvårdsverket (Swedish environmental protection agency), 2008
“Communicative audiences in the climate change issue”

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has as one of their functions to be a hub for climate change and to provide information and knowledge. A communication platform containing a breakdown of communication groups have been developed in which target groups are grouped together by core values in order to support the EPA’s continuing work on climate issues.

Young Reporters for the Environment

This website is about international competition 2011. It covers many topics such as agriculture, biodiversity, climate change and energy. The winners of the competition and their works -articles and photographs- are announced in this website. The competition is open to students aged 12 to 18 years who report on an environmental problem in their community via print or photography and in some countries video. Nationally, young reporters can participate individually or as a class.



Comenius Project CO2nnect – School campaign on transport and climate change

Available in all European languages!!!

The project CO2nnect:

«The international campaign CO2nnect: CO2 on the way to school
provides schools with a unique opportunity to provide high quality
Education for Sustainable Development.»

Bård Vegar Solhjell, The Norwegian Minister of Education

Pupils need wide competencies to meet the challenges of sustainable development – including climate change. The CO2nnect activities are designed to support learning that can provide pupils with abilities, skills, attitudes and awareness as well as knowledge and understanding of the issues.

The activities can easily be adapted to a range of age groups and linked to the curricula of many subjects