Available in all EU languages!
Today’s teenagers are likely to experience the effects of climate change much more than we do today-and they will be forced to address the issue. It’s important that we familiarise them with what we know today so they become aware of the causes of climate change and understand what they can do to change it.
European Commissioner for Environment Stavros Dimas is calling upon teachers like you across the European Union to discuss climate change in class and encourage your pupils to sign the pledge to reduce their CO2 emissions.
This website provides some actions taken for a climate-friendly environment and gives information mostly about the wind energy. Documents from different studies can be downloaded.
This website provides some actions taken for a climate-friendly environment. These projects can lead students to have an idea about what can be done to prevent or mitigate climate change. There is a blog including many topics about climate change and related issues where people share their opinions and discuss.
La newsletter di Edizioni Ambiente che aggiorna sugli argomenti di maggiore attualità nel dibattito culturale, scientifico, politico ed economico sull’ambiente e lo sviluppo.
A wealth of learning materials for download in EU languages such as power point presentations, workshop discussion ideas, students’ guidelines, toolkits etc.
Web page operated by a civil society association, members are specialized on recycling issues. Main services are as follows: consultancy to schools as well as companies, organizing events etc.
The Day After Tomorrow is a 2004 American science-fiction disaster film that depicts the catastrophic effects of global warming in a series of extreme weather events that usher in global cooling which leads to a new ice age.