Netzwerk Ökolog The Austrian biggest Network for Schools and Environment

ÖKOLOG belongs to the Ministry for Education and commit itself to the sustainable development and school development in Austrian schools. The main objective is to implement the sustainable development in the curricular. There are many school projects running concerning water, health, waste, energy savings etc.


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Intelligent Use of Energy in Schools – Project for secondary schools

Also available in DE, BG, CZ, DE, FR, IT, LV, RO, SL
The project aims to promote a more efficient way of using energy in every day life among secondary schools students and teachers.
IUSES will show secondary school students the basic principles of energy efficiency and give a comprehensive guide to saving energy in their everyday lives.
IUSES is currently developing a behaviour-oriented educational kit including: handbooks, multimedia animations and experiment tool-kit. The educational kit will be freely available for downloading on this web site.
Teachers and students will be actively involved in all stages of the project. In particular, they will test the educational kit and will provide feedback and suggestions to improve the IUSES kit.



Sviluppo sostenibile e cambiamenti climatici

Progetto (riconosciuto da DESS sullo sviluppo sostenibile e cambiamenti climatici) rivolto alle scuole secondarie di primo e secondo grado, intende fornire agli studenti gli elementi generali per conoscere le diverse risorse energetiche (rinnovabili e non), la loro origine e le loro caratteristiche e introdurre il principio del risparmio energetico.

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Climate Action – European Commission

Available in all EU languages!
Today’s teenagers are likely to experience the effects of climate change much more than we do today-and they will be forced to address the issue. It’s important that we familiarise them with what we know today so they become aware of the causes of climate change and understand what they can do to change it.

European Commissioner for Environment Stavros Dimas is calling upon teachers like you across the European Union to discuss climate change in class and encourage your pupils to sign the pledge to reduce their CO2 emissions.

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Climalteranti – Notizie e approfondimenti sul clima che cambia

Sul web è disponibile molto materiale per parlare di cambiamenti climatici nelle scuole.
In questo post viene presentato un primo elenco, senza alcuna pretesa di esaustività, invitando studenti e insegnanti a segnalare nei commenti altro materiale utile.

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