Il dibattito a livello mondiale sulla difesa dell’ambiente, sui cambiamenti climatici, sui problemi energetici e sui recenti impegni assunti in sede internazionale, testimonia come l’educazione ambientale e allo sviluppo sostenibile rappresenti oggi una sfida
non più procrastinabile per responsabilizzare tutti cittadini ad assumere comportamenti e stili di vita all’insegna del rispetto dell’ambiente.
Queste Linee guida si propongono di fornire alcuni orientamenti innovativi in materia di educazione ambientale e allo sviluppo sostenibile (EASS) per l’elaborazione dei curricoli da parte degli istituti scolastici e per l’organizzazione delle attività educative e didattiche, al fine di facilitarne un’adozione graduale, progressiva e operativa, il più possibile coerente con le Indicazioni per il curricolo.
This document prepared by Kayhan, M. a staff member at Ministry of Environment and Forest and General Directorate of Meteorology. It is about global climate change and its effects in Turkey. There are some data such as showing the changes in the amount of CO2, greenhouse effect, etc.
In this page you can reach what Turkish General Directorate of Meteorology is doing about climate change and its effects. There are many documents you can find related to climate change.
It is official website disseminating projects and provides documents and reports related to climate change
World Wildlife Fund (WWF), provides information about climate change and its effects, also what can be done to struggle with climate change. Many countries including Turkey are involved in this organization. You can reach the projects run over time since WWF has been founded. WWF-Turkey supports sustainable life and carry-on projects to provide it. If you want you can join this organization and participate actively in the projects.
This portal provides detailed information about climate change and sustainable life. You can find films about climate change and also there is link for library which you can find references about climate change.
This website offers information about a project supported by United Nations Development Program in Turkey which is “ Increasing the Capacity to Struggle with Climate Change in Turkey”. Also you can reach related projects included in the UNDP’s project such as “Every Drop Matters”, “Local Agenda 21”, etc.
This report was prepared in October, 2002 by Dr. Türke?, M. to reveal the findings about climate change and its effects in Turkey. It also gives information about the framework contract of Turkey-Climate Change. Besides these what the situation is around the world is also defined in this rapport.
The information given in this website, prepared by Dr. Vural, ?. Based on his article “ The Reflection of Ecologic Change on Public Finance: Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Taxes of Carbon”. One can find detailed knowledge about climate change and its effects.
In this website, you can find general information about a project developed by TED Eskisehir School. This project is named as “Drop Drop Future” and it emphasize the importance of water on human and living beings. It aims: to construct a sustainable environment awareness among students and to to teach how to use water resources economically.